There is no para-transit service in the Corning-Elmira area.
Medicaid recipients have medical-only transportation support.
If you live within 3/4 mile of a bus route, CEATS offers only route-deviation,
curb to curb transportation, a limited, non-standard meeting, unpredictable uncertainty.
20.8%, or an estimated 19,038 people in Steuben county have a disability.
The employment rate for people with a disability age 21 to 64 is 47.7% in contrast with those without a disability, which is 80.5%. The lack of transportation affects the ability to work.
Access to transportation is a major issue for people with disabilities living in rural areas.
The latest surveys (Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation) estimate that 1 in 50 Americans is paralyzed… that’s 1,960 people in Steuben County as a potential audience for Corning Paratransit Services.
Support mobility and empowerment for the disabled today by contributing to
Corning Paratransit Services, Incorporated. You may use your credit card via Paypal.